We always say it but the year is certainly disappearing quickly. May is just around the corner and then it will be summer (yippeee!). After so much rain, and very sadly for so many in this region, flooding, the arrival of some sun is long awaited by so many of us.
Anyway, before April departs, I have another Open Day today, 26th from 11h00-16h00 so please come along and say hi and have a look at the latest additions to the shop.

Another little thing happening soon is the Atelier Melusine/Forge en France May Day celebrations, next Wednesday (yes, 1st May surprisingly enough!)
There will be lots happening including a beautiful maypole (plus dancers), an archery exhibition, food and drink and yours truly who will have a small stand there displaying my jewellery. It was a great fun day last year so do come along and join in the activities.
Location: Forge en France, Journet 86290 (mid way between La Trimouille and Journet), 14h00-20h00. Let's hope the weather is kind to us.

I've been in the middle of a design course the last couple of months so my weaving has taken a (temporary) back seat but I will be going into production with some beautiful, colourful lambswool scarves very soon, so watch this space.
Shown above, a glimpse of my weave collection and a warp being wound and on the loom
I hope to see you later today but remember, I am always happy to open the shop outside the Open Day dates for personal visits, so just get in touch.